Physical Therapy with Warrior Sports Physical Therapy may include more traditional physical therapy activities such as…


Physical Therapy with Warrior Sports Physical Therapy may include more traditional physical therapy activities such as soft tissue mobilization, PROM/stretching, and foam rolling. Sessions may also include more modern manual therapy techniques including cupping and instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization.

These passive modalities will help to jump start a more modern approach we take at Warrior Sports Physical Therapy centered around movement and functionality. This will include exercises both on the turf and in the gym area.

Your Physical Therapy Sessions at Warrior Sports Physical Therapy Will Include the Following:

  • 1-on-1, personalized sessions with a Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • Comprehensive movement assessments in order to determine what your largest limitations are
  • Specific Home Program to be performed independently at home, targeted to your specific deficits that are holding you back from reaching your therapy goals.
  • Modern Manual Therapy including but not limited to cupping and soft tissue massage to decrease pain and allow for a higher tolerance to exercises.


Your initial evaluation will be with a Doctor of Physical Therapy, lasting approximately 60-75 minutes. This will consist of a thorough history of your chief complaint, objective testing, and development of your initial home program. 

Follow-up sessions will last approximately 45-60 minutes, 1-on-1 with your physical therapist, consisting of a combination of treatment room therapies and gym activities.

Our goal is for you to graduate from our care with increased function, ideally pain free, confident that you have the education and tools to reduce the risk of re-injury and return to the activities you love!

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Physical Therapy with Warrior Sports Physical Therapy may include more traditional physical therapy activities such as…


Physical Therapy with Warrior Sports Physical Therapy may include more traditional physical therapy activities such as…